【下载亚博app的公告】【智能制造学院】学术讲座:郭方洪《to decentralized or to distributed that is the question---a case study on the dc microgrid secondary control》
报告题目 |
to decentralized or to distributed? that is the question---a case study on the dc microgrid secondary control |
报 告 人 |
郭方洪 副教授 |
报告时间 |
2024年4月10日下午2:00—3:30 |
报告地点 |
智能制造学院s-531会议室 |
报 告 内 容 简 介 |
报告内容: currently, several secondary control strategies including centralized, decentralized and distributed control have been proposed to solve the secondary voltage restoration and power sharing problem in dc microgrids. however, each strategy has its own merits and demerits. how to enjoy their merits and avoid their demerits is an interesting but challenging problem. in this talk, a first attempt on designing a decentralized cluster-based distributed secondary control strategy is made towards the goal of accurate voltage restoration and power sharing. specifically, we divide all the distributed generators (dgs) into several clusters. then, for dgs within the same cluster, a distributed finite-time control approach is proposed; while no information exchange is involved among different clusters. thus, all the distributed controls of different clusters are totally decentralized. if each cluster has only one dg, our proposed control strategy reduces to the existing decentralized approaches, while the case of one cluster boils down to distributed control. rigorous theoretical analysis for such control strategy is given. compared to existing methods, our proposed strategy has better transient and steady-state performance than purely decentralized one and better robustness than distributed one. the proposed method is validated in an experimental test system built in opal-rt.
报告人简介: 郭方洪,博士,副教授,浙江工业大学信息工程学院自动化系主任。曾在南洋理工大学劳斯莱斯联合实验室、新加坡科技局智能电网实验中心从事微电网能量管理相关研究工作。目前研究方向是微电网分布式控制与优化、能源工业互联网等。主持国家基金项目2项,浙江省“领雁”研发攻关项目1项,企业委托横向项目10余项。目前以第一作者身份出版中英文专著各一部,发表sci收录论文60篇,授权专利20余件。入选斯坦福大学2022、2023年度全球前2%顶尖科学家榜单、浙江省高校领军人才培养计划(青年优秀人才)。曾获得中国自动化学会科技进步一等奖、浙江省科学技术进步三等奖。目前任国际期刊ieee transactions on industrial electronics杂志编委、中国自动化学会能源互联网专委会委员。
承办单位 |
智能制造学院 |
发布日期 |
2024.4.9 |
欢迎广大教师、学生参加! |